Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind Wiki
Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind Wiki

Fox-squirrels, also known as Squirrel-foxes in the manga, are small, catlike animals [1], generally found wild and considered impossible to domesticate.

Teto is a fox-squirrel, rescued by yupa from the toxic jungle, and the reason he got chased by the ohmu at the beginning of the story.

These creatures also make a brief cameo appearance in Laputa: Castle in the Sky.

In the anime, Yupa mentions that Teto didn't inhale too much of the Toxic Jungle's spores, which indicates that fox-squirrels are not native to the jungle and cannot stay there for too long, similar to humans.



Language Name Meaning
Japanese キツネリス
Romaji kitsunerisu
English Fox-squirrel
Danish Ræve-egern
Norwegian Reveekorn
Swedish Rävekorre


  1. DE1a pg 22 (first appearance)

a See Page Conversions Between Editions to convert Deluxe Edition volume 1 (DE1) to other editions

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Domesticated AnimalsDorok Cavalry MountsFox-squirrelsGod WarriorsHebikeraHeedraHisokusari FungusHorseclawKai and KuiKestLandgrubOhmaOhmuPipewormRoyal YanmaSlugwormTetoTobimushiWingworm