The Sea of Corruption, also known as the Toxic Jungle or the Sea of Decay, is a toxic forest of fungal life and plants which is steadily encroaching on the remaining open land. It is protected by large mutant insects, including the massive Ohmu. Humanity clings to survival in the polluted lands beyond the forest, periodically engaging in bouts of internecine fighting for the scarce resources that remain.
a See Page Conversions Between Editions to convert Deluxe Edition volume 1 (DE1) to other editions
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | 腐海 (fukai) | Sea of decay |
English | Sea of Decay | Sea of decay |
Danish | Forfaldshav | Sea of decay |
Norwegian | Forfallets sjø | Sea of decay |
- The Japanese name for the Sea of Corruption 腐海 (fukai), consists of the kanji for decay and sea. Also translated as Toxic Jungle or Sea of Decay in manga translations and in the film's subtitles. Miyazaki mentioned its origin in the interview published in Watercolor Impressions.